1·William S. Knudsen picked him as his successor when that all-round motorman stepped up to executive vice President of General Motors Corp.
那个全能的汽车专家William s . Knudsen在升任通用集团执行副总裁时挑选了他作为继任者。
2·The producer is Stuart Oken, former executive vice President of Walt Disney Co. 's theatrical division, who helped bring' the Lion King 'to Broadway.
制片人为奥肯(Stuart Oken)。他是华特·迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Co .)剧场业务的前执行副总裁,曾参与把《狮子王》(The Lion King)搬上了百老汇舞台。
3·Machine 2's workload fails over to machine 1 in the event of a failure and vice versa.
4·The president and vice-president(s) (or the general manager and assistant general manager(s) in a factory) shall be chosen from the various parties to the equity joint venture.
5·"We don\\\\\\\'t touch anything, \\\\\\\" says Barry Desclouds, regional vice-president for Ontario, of the drink dispensers. \\\\\\\"That\\\\\\\'s a big time saver.\\\\\\\"
“我们不用接触任何东西,”自动售饮料机公司安大略地区副总裁 Barry Desclouds说,“这可大大地节省了时间。”
6·For instance, in the early 2000's when I was an Executive Vice President at Disney responsible for corporate R&D, the media business began to experience rapid transformations.
7·Article 9 After a marriage has been registered, the woman may become a member of the man "s family or vice versa, depending on the agreed wishes of the two parties."
8·It 's what scientists call embodied cognition -how the body affects the mind, and vice versa.
9·"We think, " says an exuberant Larry Gilbert Cyber Cash' s vice president and general manager, it's going to be the core of electronic commerce on the Internet.
电子货币公司的副总裁兼总经理赖瑞·吉尔伯特兴奋难抑地说: 我们认为,这将成为国际互联网电子交易的核心。
10·The pole configuration at the S-pole side is arranged so that S-side magnet poles are coaxial to N-side core poles, and vice versa.
S 极边的极配置是这样安排的,即S 极边的磁极与N 极边的铁极同轴,反之亦然。